How to hide from the Lilliputians or 32/52 the Playtime Dress

This is another curtains to dress creation. I finished it earlier this year, and got photos at Halloween when I used it as part of my costume. After I made the lego play mat I still had 1 ½ curtains left which I couldn’t let it go to waste… so I made a dress! Surprise, surprise. I used the bodice of Butterick B5748 and the same skirt without the pockets as the Deer doe ish dress.

I was feeling pretty confident making it and so managed to attach the skirt to the bodice before I had turned the bodice in the right way with the lining. I had over locked it and only realised as I went to top stitch it down. So I unpicked and unpicked some more. Then I re-sewed but again got slightly distracted and managed to do a Mobius loop of a shoulder strap… also after I had overlocked the seam. This time I unpicked just the shoulder seam and paying close attention I re-sewed them correctly and hand stitched the lining back to the dress. To finish it off I hand sewed the zip in during my lunch break.

I wore this as my haloween dress with a road cone headband and a car necklace.


IMG_5449I love the shape of this dress and might make it again in a more subdued fabric and it is not just for dress ups…this old elevator photo shows I even wear it to work.


and check out these little guys… Robin and the Arrow

IMG_5438and this guy!
