My Sewing List

…or how I keep all my crazy projects under control…

Amanda at Bimble and Pimble has been running a Sewvember sewing photo a day challenge on instagram and the topic for November 17 is Planning so I thought I would share in more detail one of the ways I plan for my sewing.  My day job is working with project plans and helping people keep things on track so I have tried several tools and versions to corral my sewing and blogging.  My current way is a version of a kanban board, except it is portable and I have made it work for me.

to doI used to have lots of to do lists with sew this, pictures of this, post that etc, except I had to keep writing them and things changed through stages. So I decided to write the item on the list once and them just mark what stage it is up to.

Kanban icons

Top L – R Cut, Sew, Photgraph Bottom L – R Write/draft, Publish, blank options

I cross off the tasks I have done and circle the one i need to do next.  I can use the blank square to write if it doesn’t fit any of the five options.  It is one A4 page and it folds small enough to go in my wallet or phone case.  I have tried digital lists but I found I like the old fashioned pen and paper.


If you would like to try this method yourself then I have the file available here


It prints on A4 page.

fold on dotted linesYou fold on the dotted lines.  When it is folded in half cut on the bold line.

wobbly pagesWhen cut and un folded it will look like this

make into bookletFold in half length ways, then make a star shape like above to make it into a booklet like below.

to do bookletI have inserted a fashion croquis on the outside – it is a slightly curvy girl, but you could print the other side as another list or leave blank for your own sketches.

croquisFinally one last in use picture…

FlossieFT TO DO